It's time for you to stop speaking without strategy:


If you’re ready to turn your voice into a client magnet for your group coaching program—

Speaker sis, you have showed up to the right site!


Hey hey,

I'm Ciara Shanae!

I teach speakers, such as yourself, how to leverage their voices to enroll more clients into their programs that will give you the reliable revenue you need to fund the lifestyle you desire.

I’ll never forget being in the thick of the pandemic, the summer of 2020, praying to God for strategy because my unemployment checks (bonuses included) were soon to come to an end. I was going through a very devastating divorce, living in a basement apartment with a roommate, and my business was all that I had since it felt like no one was hiring at that time. I honestly felt myself about to go full fledged into hustle mode, if God did not give me another way!

…I heard God tell me:

“Your prosperity is locked up in your mouth!”

Shortly after I spoke out of state at a grand opening event for a women’s business center in Pennsylvania. I was excited about being on stage again, “peopling”, and for the opportunity to sell (because the LAWD knew I needed money.)

God is hilarious because He had me write a speech entitled, “Poverty is not your Purpose”, which I believe was what the audience needed to hear but also served as a reminder for me not to get ca



“Your prosperity is locked up in your mouth!”

ught up with what my circumstances currently looked like…

If you have been hustling just to get clients enrolled into your group coaching program, I want you to take a minute to pause and breathe.

Trust me, I have come to know hustle mode oh so well… 

I know how tiresome it can be.

I know how busy and messy things can get.

I know how it can distract you from implementing strategy.

The truth is: Hustle mode is not something your business can bank on when you’re burned out! 

Why won’t you try something that you are already doing—speaking, and let your voice attract your coaching clients? 

Wouldn’t taking this route simplify things for you? I know it most definitely has for me! 

There are 10+ ways you can amplify your voice so you can get in front of audiences filled with potential clients but let’s start with seizing stages! 

Download my Booked & Ready Masterclass!


How to Leverage Speaking Engagements to Enroll Clients (Without Hustle Mode)

Read how I helped these speakers dominate their speech!

Lisa Naomi

Speaker, Wellness Strategist & Author

I doubted my talents and if I what I had to offer had any value. Since working 1:1 with Ciara Shanae, I have been able to master my message, have the confidence to stand in my specialty & wrote my 1st book!

Stephanie H.

Speaker & Business Finance Coach

Since working with Ciara, my confidence in my message has grown! She helped me clearly identify my speaking topics and signature speech. I'm no longer all over the place when I speak; I stick to my niche.

ebony nicole

Speaker, Writing Coach & Publisher

With Coach Ciara Shanae, you'll learn how to build your message from the bricks and mortar you already have. I can now tell my story in a way that makes the listeners hang on to every. Single. Word. What I love is that as you build, she allows you to stay true to your message. She just pulls on you to give more.

The Voice to Clients Campus is a school for speakers who are ready to leverage their voices so they can enroll more ideal clients into their signature programs. Let's Brand, Speak, + Sell!

Here’s what we’ll cover…

*VIP Speaker Strategy Session

Together we will solidify your top three speaking topics, strategically structure your signature speeches in a way that motivates your audience to take action, and fine tune your coaching  program roadmap to increase client results.

Stand in your Specialty

I’ll push you to make the necessary shifts so you can have a memorable message that is rooted in both your expertise and experience, connect with a very specific niche audience, and solely concentrate on promoting a powerful coaching program that you can become known for!

Produce Client Attracting Content:

We will co-work on transparent content that will speak volumes to your audience, and turn your signature speaking topics into social media content that grows your tribe on autopilot and makes your ideal client want to work with you!

Build Your Brand Visibility:

You don’t have to show up everyday, you just have to show up enough in front of the right eyes! We will determine the most realistic and authentic visibility plan for your speaker brand, and the perfect platforms for you to be seen on. Your consistent visibility will equate to their security, making it an easy “Yes!” for them to invest and enroll into your coaching program. 

Remain Relevant to Prospects:

It’s the worst feeling to follow up with a potential client (prospect), only for them to say that they no longer need your coaching program. This is why you’ll learn how to nurture relationships with your qualified leads so when they are ready, you would have earned their trust and business!

Monetize your Signature Program:

I heard someone say that money responds to systems, then I shouted: “Ain’t that the truth?!” Here, we will systemize the strategic process for enrolling clients into your group coaching program. We’ll map out the client journey for your speaker funnel (from lead to client), track your sales goals, and celebrate client enrollments!

Once you enroll, you’ll gain access to:

  • Voice to Clients VIP Day + training vault

  • Bi-weekly strategy sessions and audits

  • Tools, templates, and challenges

  • Client-only platform and event rates

  • Speaking opportunities and referrals


© All content belongs to Pro-Visement, LLC | All Rights Reserved.

Looking for more training and tools? Please visit our Voice to Clients Institute!